Demand the Australian Government acts to prevent genocide in Gaza

Demand the Australian Government acts to prevent genocide in Gaza

Take ACTION and demand the Australian Government put pressure on Israel to abide by the International Court of Justice’s binding ruling for Israel to act immediately to prevent genocide in Gaza.

On 26 January 2024, the International Court of Justice found Israel had a plausible case of genocide to answer in Gaza, ordering that it stop its killing and maiming of Palestinians and enable and facilitate the unfettered flow of humanitarian aid.

Since then, Israel has continued to kill civilians in their thousands, bomb and destroy hospitals, use starvation as a weapon of war and cause immeasurable damage to infrastructure and the environment. 

The killing and destruction has to stop.

Take ACTION and demand the Australian Government put pressure on Israel to abide by the International Court of Justice’s binding ruling for Israel to act immediately to prevent genocide in Gaza.

On 26 January 2024, the International Court of Justice found Israel had a plausible case of genocide to answer in Gaza, ordering that it stop its killing and maiming of Palestinians and enable and facilitate the unfettered flow of humanitarian aid.

Since then, Israel has continued to kill civilians in their thousands, bomb and destroy hospitals, use starvation as a weapon of war and cause immeasurable damage to infrastructure and the environment. 

The killing and destruction has to stop.

Australia must take action to prevent genocide in Gaza

Write to your MPs, and to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and urge them to hold Israel accountable to implement the International Court of Justice's binding ruling for Israel to act immediately to prevent genocide in Gaza.

Since the International Court of Justice’s ruling on 26 January 2024, Israel has continued to kill civilians in their thousands, bomb and destroy hospitals, use starvation as a weapon of war and cause immeasurable damage to infrastructure and the environment. 

All countries have a moral and legal obligation to uphold the court’s decision. We must demand that the Australian government take all measures possible to force Israel to abide by the court’s ruling.


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