Australia must condemn Israel's attacks on Palestinians

Australia must condemn Israel's attacks on Palestinians

While UN bodies raise alarm about Israel’s attacks on civilian infrastructure, talking about collective punishment, war crimes and an exponential deterioration of the humanitarian situation that was already dire, our Foreign Minister is continuing to talk about Israel’s right to defend itself, and that it’s difficult to judge Israeli military actions from afar. The opposition have been even worse – criticising the Foreign Minister for suggesting restraint by Israel. 

We can and must condemn Israeli actions.

Please write to your local political representatives, calling on them to condemn Israeli attacks on Palestinians

While UN bodies raise alarm about Israel’s attacks on civilian infrastructure, talking about collective punishment, war crimes and an exponential deterioration of the humanitarian situation that was already dire, our Foreign Minister is continuing to talk about Israel’s right to defend itself, and that it’s difficult to judge Israeli military actions from afar. The opposition have been even worse – criticising the Foreign Minister for suggesting restraint by Israel. 

We can and must condemn Israeli actions.

Please write to your local political representatives, calling on them to condemn Israeli attacks on Palestinians


Politicians - stand for Palestinians

Emails will be sent to all your Federal representatives (local MP and Senators), unless you amend the senders list.  All emails will also be copied into the Foreign Minister and the Greens spokesperson for Foreign Affairs. 

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