Demand Australia sanctions Israel now.

Demand Australia sanctions Israel now.

Israel is committing genocide in Gaza – bombing Palestinians, incinerating refugees in their tents, starving families, and destroying essential infrastructure. Over 186,000 Palestinians have been killed, yet the Australian Government refuses to sanction Israel. In fact, it seems to have committed itself to shielding this genocidal, apartheid regime from accountability.

Instead, Australia has sanctioned Iranian individuals, blatantly ignoring Israel's ongoing war crimes and atrocities. This double standard is an outrage and a clear message that Palestinian lives are seen as expendable. Enough is enough!

We need your voice. Send this letter to your MP, Senators, the Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister. Demand immediate sanctions on Israel for its genocide in Gaza, its illegal occupation, and its apartheid regime.

Australia must stop protecting Israel. It must stop treating Palestinians lives as though they are disposable. Together, we must ensure our government stands for justice and human rights in Palestine.

Israel is committing genocide in Gaza – bombing Palestinians, incinerating refugees in their tents, starving families, and destroying essential infrastructure. Over 186,000 Palestinians have been killed, yet the Australian Government refuses to sanction Israel. In fact, it seems to have committed itself to shielding this genocidal, apartheid regime from accountability.

Instead, Australia has sanctioned Iranian individuals, blatantly ignoring Israel's ongoing war crimes and atrocities. This double standard is an outrage and a clear message that Palestinian lives are seen as expendable. Enough is enough!

We need your voice. Send this letter to your MP, Senators, the Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister. Demand immediate sanctions on Israel for its genocide in Gaza, its illegal occupation, and its apartheid regime.

Australia must stop protecting Israel. It must stop treating Palestinians lives as though they are disposable. Together, we must ensure our government stands for justice and human rights in Palestine.

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